
A Helping Hand

Americans love to give and now Taiwanese-Americans in the Bay Area are finding an urgent cause to give to their friends and distant relatives in Taiwan.

Typhoon Morakot devasted the small island nation of Taiwan for a three-day period earlier this August. The local population experienced horrific mudslides, flooding, and more than 400 deaths. The typhoon reached record limits and is considered the worst typhoon to hit the island in 50 years.

The Taiwanese-American Center in San Jose is focused on raising half a million dollars to aid victims of the typhoon, mainly through benefit concerts. Caring for those in need is a universal urge, and their efforts should be applauded. When disaster strikes, people want to know that they can be helped so that life can return to normal. Talk to us, your local agent and ask us about how you can be ready for the next big flood or storm in your area; don't expect the worst, but do expect quality service and a helping hand when things get rough.

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