
Jump-Rope Record

Jumping rope just got a lot more exciting for tens of thousands of California elementary school students. On February 1st, a coordinated effort by the California Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance and over 2,000 schools challenged a Guinness World Record for jump-roping. Over 85,000 people jumped rope simultaneously in the same 10-minute span.

Students who had been practicing for months were excited for the challenge and did put forth a great effort. The real payoff, however, won't be a place in the record books. With childhood obesity continuing to be a major problem, developing positive excercise habits at a young age is key.

Excercise is just part of the battle for good health. Kids need regular checkups and quality health care. Talk to us, your local insurance agency, if you want to know how to find a good health plan, or visit InsureKidsNow.gov to learn more.


Boy's Best Friend

Dog's have long been called "man's best friend." Austin Foreman's dog, Angel, has certainly earned the title of "boy's best friend."

The 11-year old was moving firewood on his parent's property in the small town of Boston Bar, British Columbia, when his golden retriever became agitated. She began running around in circles. A cougar soon appeared. Angel intercepted the predator and fought it while Austin ran inside. The local RCMP Constable soon responded to the situation and was able to kill the cougar. Miraculously, Angel survived. The loyal canine is expected to make a full recovery.

Dogs are wonderful animals, but before purchasing one be sure you know about its breed. Some breeds are not insurable through your homeowner or renters policy. Other breeds can be very high maintanence and may be more of a hassle than you originally thought. If you want to know more about this topic, please call us, your local insurance agency, today.


Fighting Cancer

Not all stem cells are good cells. Researchers have recently found a way to target harmful stem cells in patients suffering from breast cancer.

Using chemotherapy and a newly developed drug the team at Baylor College of Medicine is finding that relapses can be better prevented by targetting these cancer-causing stem cells instead of just the main tumors. Studies in mice and a small group of women have shown the promise of this technique.

Curing breast-cancer won't happen all at once, but hopefully these breakthroughs mark another step forward in battling this enemy.


True Love

How much are parents worth? For newly-married Julie Robson the answer would be "priceless."

While most of us appreciate and love our parents, very few have received a kidney transplant from a parent. After receiving a kidney transplant from her father 10 years ago, Julie's body rejected it on the eve of her wedding. Rather than having to endure dialysis for the rest of her life, Julie was able to receive a second transplant from her mother.

Julie was able to re-schedule her wedding and the surgery was a great success. Thanks to medical science and a lot of love, she will be able to enjoy her life. The love of a parent is always priceless. Our local agency can't offer you that kind of love, but we can promise to be there when life is unexpected. Give us a call today and ask about how our competitive insurance rates can help your family.


Canine Rescue

80 year-old Paul Paff can now be sure that dogs really are "man's best friend."

The elderly man had a close call on September 22 when he went to inspect the septic tank behind his house. "I had seen this square hole. I knew it was above the septic tank and looked up and was trying to look into it," he recalled, right before the ground beneath him collapsed, sending him to the bottom of a 15-foot well.

After hours of being stuck knee-deep in cold mud and water Paff heard the sound of a dog barking. He barked back, trying to get the dog's attention. Eventually the dog was able to alert neighbors who brought rescue personnel to the scene.


Lost Cash Looking for Owner

What would you do if three-thousand dollars fell from the sky?

This Tuesday a pile of bills adding up to $3200 dollars showed up at a local recycling plant in Sunnyvale, California. Reports are pouring in from across California and the rest of the country about misplaced cash stuffed in boxes, pantries, and cans of shaving cream.

It's up to the police to sift through the competing claims and find one that can be fully proven, otherwise the money will be placed in the city's general fund. The excitement around this story demonstrates just how rare it is for money to "fall from the sky." True wealth is built up slowly and steadily. Talk to us, your local agent about how you can save money on your insurance premiums today and keep your belongings more secure than a stash of cash.


A Helping Hand

Americans love to give and now Taiwanese-Americans in the Bay Area are finding an urgent cause to give to their friends and distant relatives in Taiwan.

Typhoon Morakot devasted the small island nation of Taiwan for a three-day period earlier this August. The local population experienced horrific mudslides, flooding, and more than 400 deaths. The typhoon reached record limits and is considered the worst typhoon to hit the island in 50 years.

The Taiwanese-American Center in San Jose is focused on raising half a million dollars to aid victims of the typhoon, mainly through benefit concerts. Caring for those in need is a universal urge, and their efforts should be applauded. When disaster strikes, people want to know that they can be helped so that life can return to normal. Talk to us, your local agent and ask us about how you can be ready for the next big flood or storm in your area; don't expect the worst, but do expect quality service and a helping hand when things get rough.